#islamic pilgrims
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hajjtrips · 4 months ago
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wrappedinamysteryy · 2 years ago
🌺Few Acts of Worships that the Menstruating female can perform during these Blessed days of Dhul-Hijjah 🌺
🍃The Menstruating female is allowed to do all acts of worships from Dhikr of Allaah Azza wa Jal :
🪻Tasbeeh (Subhaan Allaah)
🪻Tahmeed (Alhamdulillaah)
🪻Takbeer (Allaahu Akbar)
🪻Istighfaar &Tawbah,
🪻Listening to the Qur'an,
🪻Seeking Knowledge,
🪻Studying the Qur'an .
🍃There is No Problem in Reciting the Qur'an (without touching the Mushaf with bare hands) according to the Most Correct Opinion.
In Conclusion,
the menstruating female can participate in all acts of goodness except Salah and Fasting.
📚Summarized from the Fatawas of Shaikh ibn Baaz and Shaikh Al-Albani (رحمهم الله).
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thehalalgirlofficial · 2 years ago
A Plan for the First 10 Days of Dhul-Hijah
The Best Days of the World
1. Intention
Make the intention for your deeds to be sincerely for Allah ﷻ during these days, and have the conscious intention to expose yourself to the blessings of Allah ﷻ.
Whoever is sincere towards Allah ﷻ, Allah ﷻ will be sincere towards him (meaning He ﷻ will fulfill his wishes).
2. Repentance
Make a table of all the sins that you want to pledge to Allah ﷻ that you will stop doing them.
The Conditions of Repentance:
1. Abandoning the sin completely.
2. Feeling remorse for what has already happened (of sins).
3. Having the firm intention never to return to the sin ever again.
3. Praying
The Five Daily Prayers (in their Fixed Times)
Leave everything behind you as soon as you hear the azaan and get up and pray.
"The best of deeds is prayer during its earliest time."
Remember, you will be doing what our Lord ﷻ loves the most.
4. As-Sunan Ar-Rawaatib
12 Raka'ahs everyday.
(2 before Fajr -4 before Zuhr and 2 after it - 2 after Maghrib-2 after Isha)
"Whoever prays in a day and night 12 raka'ahs voluntarily, Allah ﷻ will build a house for him in Paradise."
5. Night Prayer
Any even number of rakaahs, and end them with one rakaah of Witr and make du'a for everything you want.
"And pray during the night when the people are asleep, and you will enter Jannah in peace."
What more could you want?!
6. Duha Prayer
Two to eight raka'ahs, any time between 15 minutes after sunrise till 15 minutes before Zuhr.
It is a daily charity for every joint in your body.
(Also known as Chaast or Awwabeen Prayer.)
7. Fasting
Have the intention to fast the first 9 days of Dhul-Hijjah, as the Messenger ﷺ of Allah ﷻ used to do, especially the Day of 'Arafah.
"Fasting the Day of 'Arafah, l anticipate that Allah ﷻ will expiate (through it the sins of) the year before it and the year after it."
8. Quran
Our goal is to finish reciting the whole Qur'an at least once (during these 10 days):
Day 1 - From Surat Al-Fatihah till the end of Surat Ale 'Imraan.
Day 2 - From Surat An-Nisa till the end of Surat Al-An'aam.
Day 3 - From Surat Al-A'raaf till the end of Surat At-Tawbah.
Day 4 - From Surat Yunus till the end of Surat Ar-Ra'd.
Day 5 - From Surat Ibraheer til the end of Surat Al-Kahf.
Day 6 - From Surat Marlam till the end of Surat Al-Mu'minoon.
Day 7 - From Surat Ash-Shu'araah till the end of Surat Al-Ahzaab.
Day 8 - From Surat Saba till the end of Surat Fussilat.
Day 9 - From Surat Ash-Shura till the end of Surat Al-Hadeed.
Day 10 - From Surat Al-Mujadilah til the end of Surat An-Naas,
9. Zikr
(Remembrance of Allah ﷻ)
Let your tongue be busy with:
100 times at the very least
 ‏سبحان الله
‏الحمد لله
 ‏لا اله الا الله
‏الله اكبر
 ‏لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله
‏الصلاة على الرسول ﷺ
‏استغفر الله العظيم وأتوب إليه
وَاذْكُرُوا اللَّهَ فِي أَيَّامٍ مَّعْدُودَاتٍ ‏
“and mention the name of Allah ﷻ on known days” (al-baqara: 203)
10. Azkaar
(Let these Azkaar also be a part of your day)
1. The azkaar of the morning and the evening.
2. The azkaar after every prayer.
3. Repeating the azaan and the du'a after it.
4. The azkaar before sleeping.
Write down some examples of these azkaar on paper and stick/hang them up where you usually walk.
(meaning where you'd see them a lot, just to be reminded of them as much as possible).
11. Du'a (Supplication)
Write down every single thing you've ever wanted and keep supplicating to Allah ﷻ again and again for it everyday (especially in Sujood, between the azaan and the iqamah, and during the last one-third of the night).
And persist in making even more du'a on the Day of 'Arafah.
And watch all your wishes come true after a while in sha Allah ﷻ.
12. Supplicating for Others
Assign a portion of your du' a for at least a hundred people. Choose ten people everyday from your family, spouse, friends, teachers, and anyone who has ever benefited you in any way, and make alot of dua for them, from your heart.
And make du'a for all the Muslims:
"May Allah ﷻ forgive me and my parents and the believing men and the believing women and the muslim men and the muslim women, alive and deceased"
13. Charity
Do not let a single day go by without giving out some charity, even if it is just a small amount.
Think of ten needy people that you want to help, or put a little money in a cash box everyday and take out and give away the whole amount on the last day.
14. Maintain the Ties of Kinship
Give a call or leave a message everyday to one of your extended family members.
The message can be as follows:
"How are you t/n? l hope you are well. I just wanted to let you know that l am remembering you a lot in my du'as today.”
15. Reviving a Sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ
Aim to do a Sunnah act everyday, with the intention of reviving the Sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ
For example:
- Saying Bismillah (before starting anything).
-Sitting down while drinking.
Starting with the right hand or right side (when doing certain things).
- Reciting the opening supplication (in the prayer before reciting Surat Al-Fatihah).
- Performing Wudu before going to sleep.
- Reciting the prescribed dua after making Wudu.
16. Prohibitions
Beware of wasting the best days of the world and the greatest days of worship in:
Watching TV
Social Media
useless talk
Sleeping too much
Perhaps you may never get these days again.
may Allah ﷻ accept from us all, ameen 🤍
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cinemafromcinema · 7 months ago
After About 40 Years…
(The following text is mostly from this Instagram page: PanahianEN) There is a video of the ceremony of Renunciation of the Polytheists by Iranian pilgrims, which has received much attention. But there is one thing about this video that it must be mentioned. This is not the first year that Iranian pilgrims are holding this ceremony. Rather, it’s about 40 years now that they’ve been holding the ceremony of Renunciation of the Polytheists during Hajj. This is a ceremony that Imam Khomeini, inspired by Prophet Ibrahim’s Hajj, recommended that all pilgrims participate in. He introduced this ceremony as a pillar of a true Hajj.
Iranian pilgrims have suffered greatly for this ceremony during these years. Just one example of these sufferings was in 1987 when the Saudi government, a strong supporter of I$r@el, attacked the Iranian pilgrims’ Renunciation of the Polytheists march and martyred 350 pilgrims in an unparalleled crime. But finally now after many years, the truth, correctness, and beauty of this ceremony by Iranian pilgrims has been seen throughout the world, and everyone has admired and been inspired by it. This truth shows that being active on the straight path may take time, but it will definitely be effective. God has guaranteed the effectiveness of the martyrs’ blood and continuing on their path.
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miraaltesse · 2 years ago
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sa1d123456 · 2 months ago
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drsonnet · 8 months ago
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Pilgrimage to Mecca
by Cobbold, Evelyn, Lady, 1867-1963
Pilgrimage to Mecca
by Cobbold, Evelyn, Lady, 1867-1963
Zainab Cobbold (born Lady Evelyn Murray; 17 July 1867 – January 1963) was a Scottish diarist, traveller and noblewoman who was known for her conversion to Islam in 1915.
"We walk on the smooth marble towards the Holy of Holies, the House of Allah, the great black cube rising in simple majesty, the goal for which millions have forfeited their lives and yet more millions have found heaven in beholding it … the 'Tawaf' is a symbol, to use the words of the poet, of a lover making a circuit round the house of his beloved, completely surrendering himself and sacrificing all his interests for the sake of the Beloved. It is in that spirit of self-surrender that the pilgrim makes the 'Tawaf'".
Her book Pilgrimage to Mecca in 1934 is the first Hajj account by a Scottish Woman and her diary also is the oldest record of a trip during the Hajj, when she went by car from Mina to Arafat. 
Not much is known about her life after she completed her pilgrimage, she passed away in 1963 aged 95, She requested an Islamic burial and her headstone was inscribed with a verse from Surah An-Nur.
Arabic translation
من لندن إلى مكة by تأليف الليدي إيفيلين كوبولد - اختيار وترجمة هبة هنداوي | Goodreads
نبذة عن الكتاب: "تكفيني نظرة لدفتر مذكراتي لأدرك أن كل هذا كان حقيقة مطلقة. لن يستطيع الزمان محو الذكريات التي حفرت في قلبي. ستظل بساتين المدينة وسكينة الجوامع وآلاف المصلين الذين مروا علي وأعينهم تفيض من الدمع تبتل خشوعًا حاضرة في ذهني. لن أنسى عظمة وجلال المسجد الحرام في مكة، ولن أنسى رحلة الحج في الصحراء قاصدين جبل عرفات. ستحمل روحي للأبد متعة الرضا والسعادة التي غشيتها. لم تحمل لي الأيام السابقة إلا الخير، والجمال، والدهشة. لقد اكتشفت عالمًا جديدًا مذهلًا." :الليدي إيفيلين كوبولد أو السيدة زينب كما اختارت أن يكون اسمها بعد إسلامها مستشرقة ورحالة اسكتلندية الأصل. ولدت لأسرة أرستقراطية عشقت السفر والترحال. لا نعرف تاريخ إسلامها ولا يبدو أنها هي نفسها كانت تعرفه فلقد كانت فطرتها ميالة إليه "يبدو أنني كنت مسلمة على الدوام" ربما من الشائع أن نسمع في أيامنا الحاضرة عن من يعتنق الإسلام لكن أن يتم ذلك في عصر الملكة فيكتوريا كان هذا أمرًا غريبًا خاصًة مع ما غلف الإسلام والعرب من غموض في هذا الوقت. عام 1933 كانت أول امرأة بريطانية تؤدي رحلة الحج وكانت في الخامسة والستين من عمرها. وعادت لتنشر الكتاب عام 1934/ بعنوان: Pilgrimage to Mecca في عام 1963، أسلمت الروح لبارئها وهي في الخامسة والتسعين من العمر ودفنت في جبال اسكتلندا الجميلة وفقًا لوصيتها وبحضور إمام مسجد وعازف موسيقى القرب، وحفرت على قبرها
Published January 1, 2024
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digitalislamicguide · 11 months ago
New Ramadan 2024 Iftar Rules Announced for Mecca's Grand Mosque
Saudi authorities have outlined specific regulations for individuals and groups wishing to offer Iftar meals to worshippers at the Grand Mosque in Mecca during Ramadan 2024. These guidelines aim to ensure a smooth and organized experience for all. Iftar Key points Online application: Benefactors can now electronically choose their preferred location within the mosque to distribute Iftar…
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unreleased-gta-vi-npc · 2 years ago
does anyone else remember the NBC mecca night? The One Where Ross, Rachel, Joey, Chandler, Monica, and Phoebe Make a Pilgrimage? or when the seinfeld gang all made the journey at the same time but all for unrelated reasons and at the end when kramer starts a fight because he snuck in a ham sandwich for his lunch bc he insists theres a mistranslation in the quaran and that pork should be allowed and at the same time jerry (who converted for a girlfriend whos really good at an unspecified sexual act), george (lied about being a muslim to a really good yankee who was interested in converting and now the yankee wants to quit to study the quaran full time and everyone blames george for losing their best new player), and elaine (this one doesnt age well) all are having seperate arguements down separate hallways that spill into kramers fight and a small riot happens and all 4 see each other and jerry gestures to leave and they all go yeah lets head out and go?
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godknowledgetv · 11 months ago
मुस्लिम मौलवी साहेबानो का कहना है कि अल्लाह बेचूंन है वह कभी दिखाई नहीं देता। जबकि पवित्र कुरान शरीफ़ कहती हैं कि "अर्श कुर्स पर अल्लह तख्त है" यानी अल्लाह ऊपर जिस्मानी रूप में हैं और वह दिखाईं देता है। उसका नाम "कबीर" है। ��र उसकी जानकारी किसी बखाबर से पूछो।
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hajjtrips · 4 months ago
Over the centuries, many believers have found inspiration from Hagar's struggles as the mother of Prophet Ismail (AS) and the wife of Prophet Ibrahim (AS).
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perpetuallyconfusedgoose · 2 years ago
ayo, any theology nerds want to discuss the impacts of if jesus was a cowboy?
if so, hit me up please i need to share these thoughts
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thehalalgirlofficial · 1 year ago
i’m so so honored to share that my lifelong dream of being a khaadim to the guests of Allah seems to be coming true this year. inshaAllah i will be in the service of those who travel for the sacred journey of hajj and have been given this beautiful opportunity by Al-Rajhi Mateen Al-Manaasik. if you happen to be making hajj with them this year, please do stop by to say salam and ofc ask me for anything you need.
i can’t to share more details inshaAllah, especially how exactly you can secure your seat for hajj if you have made the intention this year. but for now, i simply share this delighting news with the humble request for you most sincere duas as i embark on what i know will be a life changing journey!
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photoglobo · 2 years ago
Israel - Holy Places In Jerusalem (1/2)
Jerusalem isn’t that huge, but full of spots, which considered to be holy to religions as Jews, Christians and Moslems, and if you want so, also the many markets, which could be considered as places to worship the capitalism 😉 To visit most places and get more informations i joined a tour group for the day.. Tour guide Tania lead the group to the many interesting places. Starting in the Armenian…
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dailyoverview · 7 months ago
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More than 1,300 people have died this month making the Hajj, or Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca (seen in the second Overview). Just outside Mecca in the city of Mina, Saudi Arabia, is a massive encampment for pilgrims. The so-called “City of the Tents” contains more than 100,000 air-conditioned tents in a 7.7-square-mile (20 sq. km) area, providing temporary accommodation for up to 3 million. However, only pilgrims with permits may stay in the tents, and many who have died were unregistered and thus exposed to temperatures above 120°F.
21.413333°, 39.893333°
Source imagery: Maxar
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leroibobo · 1 year ago
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pictures from the old city of jerusalem's "african quarter", which comprises of ribat al-mansuri and ribat al-basiri. mamluks built the compounds in the late 13th century to house muslim pilgrims and the poor. ottomans used them as prisons, and the british closed the prisons when they occupied jerusalem in 1917. the ribats then came under the ownership of the islamic waqf, and were leased to the local afro-palestinian community.
afro-palestinians have an array of origins. like some other diaspora communities in palestine, some came through pilgrimage - al-aqsa was on their hajj path, and while many would visit to pray there, some decided to settle in jerusalem. there are also some who came to palestine enslaved or conscripted, most recently to ottomans. some came during the time of the british mandate, many as conscripted laborers to the british. afro-palestinians who can trace their ancestry do so to nigeria, chad, senegal, or sudan.
jerusalemite afro-palestinians were employed to guard al-aqsa throughout the ottoman period. during the 1948 palestine war, some joined the arab liberation army and fought with fellow palestinians to defend al-aqsa and their presence in jerusalem. the position of guards has been taken by occupation soldiers since the 1967 war, after which a quarter of the afro-palestinian population became refugees in surrounding countries.
jerusalem's afro-palestinian community still live in the compounds today, which also house the local african community society. (the door in the last picture is theirs.) afro-palestinians as a whole face the same legal, social, and economic restrictions and maltreatment as other palestinians, compounded with the same anti-black racism from israeli government and police which ethiopian jews and eritrean asylum seekers face, which result in a form of "passport racism" unique to them.
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